Welcome to Example Federation
Welcome to Hampshire Federation of Women's Institutes
Formed in 1918 our federation currently has over 180 WIs and around 7500 members.
We also have two virtual WIs and our brand new WI based in The Rowans Hospice.
Each WI is unique in style, size and character and each has its own personality and programme for its members. Based in villages, towns and cities there is bound to be one near you, if not we can help you form one. Apart from monthly meetings with a speaker or demonstration, many WIs have an extra wide range of activities including book clubs, theatre trips, walking, darts, skittles, craft, lunch and Mah Jong groups.
Hampshire is a beautiful County to live in with coastal areas, The New Forest, The South Downs, and the historic cities of Winchester, Southampton and Portsmouth amongst others.
Our federation runs many events and activities for members and takes part in Shows such as The New Forest and Hampshire County show, Alresford, and Littleton & Harestock as well as individual WIs supporting their own local events. We are open to suggestions for new events, activities and areas to get involved in.
Our Board of Trustees are the Governing body overseeing all aspects of the federation and supporting the staff. We have a small friendly staff team who support the Board; our team of advisers and WI members. We welcome enquiries either by telephone, email or in person at WI House. Office hours are Monday - Thursday 9:30 am - 2:30pm.
The WIs and the Federation are under the umbrella of The National Federation Of Women’s Institutes, with approximately 220,000 members in England and Wales and we are the largest voluntary organisation for women. With National campaigns and resolutions the WI is a force to be reckoned with.
We look forward to welcoming new members and supporting existing ones. We are inclusive and whatever your interests we can inspire you. You can find local WIs on the ‘Find a WI’ button on the HCFWI Website. If you can’t find one locally get in touch and we will see what we can do. Contact secretary@hampshirewi.org.uk or 02380 616712. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Katrina Kemp