About Us
Welcome to Lovedean WI
Lovedean Women’s Institute
Our Institute was founded in 1957. We are a friendly, enthusiastic, and democratically run group with over 50 members with varied interests.
We meet at 7.30pm on the second Tuesday of each month in Lovedean Village Hall, Lovedean Lane PO8 9SF. The hall has disabled access and excellent facilities including a well-equipped kitchen and easy parking. https://www.facebook.com/Lovedeanvillagehall/
Our monthly meeting usually includes a speaker or a demonstration, special interest competitions, a raffle, refreshments and updates from our Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, and our volunteer Committee.
The Committee updates members on our varied activities which includes afternoon and evening book clubs, a walking group, craft group, gardening club and our crochet group. Our popular lunch club meets monthly at various venues and a coffee morning is also held monthly at a local venue.
We put on an annual craft day which allows our members an opportunity to improve their techniques and to learn new skills from other members or specialists that we invite to join us.
Opportunities are available to start up new groups for members with similar interests. During the year we also arrange outings and social evenings.
Our Institute is part of the Bere Forest Group of Wis and so we take part in group quizzes, darts and skittle competitions as well as joining other Institutes for special Anniversary meetings and trips.
We try to provide something for everyone and welcome visitors. Please contact our Secretary at lovedeansec@hampshirewi.org.uk for further details and we look forward to meeting you.
August meeting in the Garden at the village hall , a relaxed evening with some games and a lovely buffet
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if you would like to join our WI please print off the New Member Form