Four Marks Afternoon

  • Venue:

    Village Hall, Lymington Bottom, Four Marks

  • Postcode:

    GU34 5AA

  • Disabled Access:

    Full Access

  • Week:


  • Day:


  • Time:


  • Website:

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Please note:
This information is regularly updated, however meetings, times and venues can be subject to change and therefore it is advisable to contact the local federation to confirm the meeting details if you wish to visit the above WI.

The venue above is the place where the WI meets and postal correspondence of any kind should not be sent to the venue as it is unlikely to reach any of the WI members and can upset the venue owners.



01420 563430

The Miscellany Group meets once a month and consists of  members interesed in  the  arts, literature and history.

A  range of  chosen topics are individually  researched and presented to the group in the  informal  setting  of members' homes.

Recent  subjects covered include British Primse Ministers, Dancing, but not Strictly.  A winter poem, fashion designeres, an interesting building, the name is George and the origin of nursery rhymes.

Refreshments and lively discussion follow the presentations;  a very pleasant way to spend an afternoon learning something new in the company of friends.