Lordington Lavender

In March 2023 our guest speaker was Andrew Elms speaking about the trials and tribulations of Lavender farming. Andrew had his audience captivated. After his talk the committee voted to organise a trip to Lordington Lavender  on its opening day - July 12th. It was a wonderful trip out of Gosport. About 16 ladies travelled in convoy to  Lordington near Chichester. The weather was very kind to us that day. Some of the ladies took the tractor ride over the hill to the Lavender fields and some of us chose to walk. The smell of the Lavender was devine. We all had our photos taken with the Lavender - White really is the best colour to wear when you vist the farm. There was also lots of cakes, some of which were made with the Lordington Lavender  - Lavender Essence - Yummy.

Here are just a few of the photos of our ladies enjoying the Lavender.

Check out the photo bombing bee!!

Our lovely president posing with the lavender